February 5, 2023, Christopher D. Carroll TractableBufferStock
This handout illustrates the logic of precautionary saving by assuming that individuals face only a single, simple kind of uncertainty: A small risk of becoming permanently unemployed. More realistic assumptions yield similar conclusions (after much more work).1
The aggregate wage grows by a constant factor
every period, reflecting
exogenous labor productivity improvements:
| (1) |
The consumer lives in a small open economy – there is a constant interest
factor . Defining
as market resources (net worth plus current income),
as end-of-period assets after all actions are accomplished (specifically, after the
consumption decision), and
as bank balances before receipt of labor income,
the dynamic budget constraint (DBC) can be decomposed into the following
| (2) |
where measures the consumer’s labor productivity (‘endowment’) and
is a
dummy variable indicating the consumer’s employment state: Everyone is either
employed (state ‘e’), in which case
, or unemployed (state ‘u’), in
which case
, so that for unemployed individuals labor income is
Once a person becomes unemployed, that person can never become employed
again (i.e. if then
). Consumers have a CRRA felicity
, and discount future felicity geometrically by
The solution to the unemployed consumer’s optimization problem is4
| (3) |
where the superscript signifies the consumer’s (un)employment status;
the marginal propensity to consume for the perfect foresight consumer, which is
strictly below the MPC for the problem with uncertainty (Carroll and
Kimball (1996)); and
is what Carroll (2023) calls the ‘return patience
We now impose the ‘return impatience condition’ (RIC),
| (4) |
which deserves its name because it is the condition that guarantees that – the
consumer must not be so patient that, given the interest rate, a boost to resources fails to
boost spending.6
An alternative (equally correct) interpretation is that the condition guarantees
that the PDV of consumption for the unemployed consumer is not
For many purposes (not least, the calibration of the model), it turns out to be
useful to alternatively express impatience conditions like (4) in terms of the
upper bound of the range of time preference factors that satisfy the
condition; solving (4) for
, we designate this object
| (5) |
and write the alternative version of the constraint as
| (6) |
is the ‘return patience factor’ because it defines the patience factor
relative to the return factor
; correspondingly, we define the ‘return patience
rate’ as lower-case
| (7) |
and we say that a consumer is ‘return impatient’ if the
RIC (4) holds (equivalent conditions are and
If a person who is employed in period (
) is still employed next period
), market resources will be
| (8) |
But employed consumers face a constant risk of becoming
unemployed. It will be convenient to define
as the
probability that a consumer does not become unemployed. Whether the
consumer is employed or not, the consumer’s labor productivity
For convenience,
is assumed to grow by a factor
every period,
| (9) |
which means that for a consumer who remains employed, labor income will grow by factor
| (10) |
so that the expected labor income growth factor for employed consumers is the
same as in the perfect foresight case:
which is the reason for (9)’s assumption about the growth of individual labor
productivity: It implies that an increase in is a pure increase in uncertainty
with no effect on the PDV of expected labor income (‘human wealth’); an
increase in
therefore constitutes a ‘mean-preserving spread’ in human
The same solution methods used in PerfForesightCRRA can be applied here too
(take the first order condition with respect to , use the Envelope theorem);
the only difference is the need to keep the expectations operator in place. Using
as a placeholder for ‘e’ or ‘u,’ the usual steps lead to the standard
consumption Euler equation:
| (11) |
Defining nonbold variables as the bold equivalent divided by the level of
permanent labor income for an employed consumer, e.g. , we
can rewrite the consumption Euler equation as
| (12) |
It will be useful now to define a ‘growth patience factor’ (terminology justified below):
| (13) |
which is the factor by which would grow in the perfect foresight
version of the model with permanent income growth factor
(again see
PerfForesightCRRA). Using this, (12) can be written as
| (14) |
(This is where the perfect foresight assumption is important; without it (14) would be
| (15) |
and we would be unable to proceed.)
Now define (which is the proportion by which
consumption would be greater next period for an employed than for an
unemployed person), and define an ‘excess prudence’ factor
| (16) |
Appendix A shows that, with some approximations, we can rewrite (11) as
| (17) |
which can be simplified in the logarithmic utility case (where )
| (18) |
Now since consumption if employed is surely greater than consumption
if unemployed
is certainly a positive number. But since
is the value that
would exhibit in a perfect foresight
model, this equation tells us that uncertainty boosts consumption
– in the logarithmic case, consumption growth is augmented by an amount
proportional to the probability of becoming unemployed
multiplied by the
size of the ‘consumption risk’ (the amount by which consumption would fall if
unemployment occurs).
We noted above that for any given , an increase in uncertainty constitutes
a mean-preserving spread in human wealth; thus the ‘human wealth effect’ of an
increase in
would be zero for a consumer without a precautionary motive. In
this small-open-economy model a change in
also has no effect on the interest
, and so none of the conventional determinants of consumption in the
perfect foresight model (the income, substitution, and human wealth effects) is
affected by a change in uncertainty. The increase in consumption growth from an
increase in
in (17) or (18) therefore must be entirely the result of the
precautionary motive. Furthermore, because a profile with faster consumption
growth can only exhibit the same PDV if that faster growth starts from a lower
initial consumption level, we know that for any given initial value of
, the introduction of a risk of becoming unemployed
induces a
(precautionary) decline in consumption (and corresponding increase in
Furthermore, under the (compelling) assumption that , (17)
implies that a consumer with a higher degree of prudence (larger
therefore larger
) will anticipate a greater increment to consumption
growth as a consequence of the introduction of uncertainty. This reflects
the greater precautionary saving motive induced by a higher degree of
The target level of (if one exists) will be the point of intersection between
The locus can be characterized by substituting
which boils down to
| (19) |
The importance of the linearity of the consumption function of the
unemployed consumer now becomes evident: It means that the RHS of (19) is
linear in :
| (20) |
We know that because a consumer in these
circumstances (facing possible perpetual unemployment) will never
borrow (see below for a full discussion of this point). Since the RIC
, (20) tells us that steady-state consumption (if it
exists)11 is a positive finite
number so long as
As with the RIC, it may be useful to rewrite this as defining an upper bound to the permissible time preference rates:
| (22) |
In the limit as approaches zero, (12) reduces to a requirement that the
growth patience factor is less than one,
| (23) |
which, as in PerfForesightCRRA, we call a ‘growth impatience condition’
(GIC) by analogy to the ‘return impatience condition’ (4) imposed earlier.
PerfForesightCRRA shows that the limit of (12) as ,
, ensures
that a consumer facing no uncertainty is sufficiently impatient that his
wealth-to-permanent-income ratio will fall over time. We label the weaker
condition (12) the ‘GIC-TBS’ (the version of the GIC required for a
solution to exist in the Tractable Buffer Stock model). It will always hold
if the plain-vanilla GIC
holds because
. Thus, a consumer
who, in the absence of uncertainty, would satisfy both the RIC and the
, will have a positive finite target level of wealth when uncertainty is
When it is useful to distinguish the version of the GIC that applies in the
model with income growth of from the corresponding condition when
growth is
we will label the two conditions GIC
and GIC
, and the
corresponding bounds on
| (24) |
Using , we similarly define the corresponding ‘growth impatience
| (25) |
so that the growth impatience condition (12) (the GIC-TBS) can also be written (approximately) as
| (26) |
or, since ,
| (27) |
Equation (27) becomes easier to satisfy (in the sense of requiring a lower ) as
increases, since in both places where
appears on the LHS it is with a
negative coefficient.
The reason the two appearances of have not been combined in (27) is that the
separate terms reflect two logically distinct effects. The first appearance, where
is premultiplied by
, can be interpreted as capturing the sense in
which an increase in
is like an increase in the discounting of the future (the
coefficient on
is the same as that on
). This downweighting of the future
occurs precisely because that future might not occur (if the consumer becomes
The effect is much like the increase in discounting that occurs when a
positive probability of death is introduced in consumption problems,
cf. Blanchard (1985).
The second, separate, reason weakens growth impatience (that is,
the GIC-TBS holds in more circumstances than the GIC
) is that we
adjust labor productivity growth so that
in order to maintain
constant human wealth for different values of
(eq. (9)). For higher
permanent income growth is greater conditional on remaining employed;
the continuously-employed consumer is effectively more ‘impatient’ in
the relevant sense of desiring consumption growth slower than income
This is essentially a mechanical result, which reflects our model’s design for the purpose of examining thought experiments that manipulate the degree of uncertainty while leaving the perfect-foresight level of human wealth constant.
Note that although is our measure of uncertainty, neither of these effects of
is in any meaningful sense directly a ‘precautionary’ effect; instead, they
both reflect effects of
on the relevant degree of growth impatience in the
GIC-TBS condition.
Appendix B demonstrates that the RIC and the GIC-TBS are necessary
conditions for the existence of a target value of market resources and that
the GIC
is sufficient. Appendix C solves for an explicit formula for that
Briefly, this is accomplished as follows. We can obtain the locus by
into equation (20):
| (28) |
Now we need to use a normalized version of the DBC (equation (8)),
| (29) |
to derive the locus (also referred to as the
| (30) |
The steady-state levels of and
are the values of these two
variables at which both (30) and (28) hold. This is just a set of two linear
equations and two unknowns, and with a bit of algebra can be solved
In the special case of logarithmic utility (), the appendix shows that
(under some strong assumptions) an approximation to target market resources
will be given by
| (31) |
and that the GIC and the RIC guarantee that the denominator of the fraction is a positive number.
This expression encapsulates several of the key intuitions of the model. The
‘human wealth effect’ of growth (cf. Summers (1981)) is captured by the first
term in the denominator; clearly, for any calibration for which the
denominator is a positive number, increasing
will increase the size of the
denominator and therefore reduce the target level of wealth. The human wealth
effect of interest rates is correspondingly captured by the
term. An
increase in the future discounting rate,
, will also increase the size of the
denominator and therefore reduce target wealth. Finally, a reduction in
unemployment risk will boost
and therefore reduce target
The assumption of log utility is restrictive, and probably does not capture
sufficient aversion to consumption fluctuations. Fortunately, another special case
helps to illuminate the effect of higher levels of prudence. The appendix shows
that, in the special case where , the target level of wealth will be
approximable by
| (32) |
which is like (31) (with ) but with the addition of the final term
which measures the amount by which prudence exceeds the
logarithmic benchmark. An increase in
reduces the denominator of (32) and
thereby boosts the target level of wealth: Exactly what would be expected from
an increase in the intensity of the precautionary motive.
Note that the different effects interact with each other, in the sense that the strength of, say, the human wealth effect will vary depending on the values of the other parameters. The ways in which these interactions make intuitive sense will repay deep reflection. (Hint: How much I care about the future governs the power that future events have in determining my targets; use the formula to think about why).
Interestingly, the limit of the buffer stock model as is not the perfect
foresight solution obtained when
is exactly equal to zero.
The handout PerfForesightCRRA shows that in the perfect
foresight context, it is necessary to impose the Finite Human Wealth
Condition (henceforth, FHWC
) to obtain a sensible
But if the FHWC
holds, the GIC
is strictly stronger than the RIC,
because the combination
obviously implies
. If
we substitute
, we can define the corresponding version of the
condition in the case where growth is
: the FHWC
It turns out that in the buffer stock model, we can relax the requirement that human wealth is finite.
We pointed out above that (12), which is necessary for the existence of a
steady-state level of consumption, implies that the GIC holds in the case
being considered here, the limit as
. The interesting question
is therefore what happens when the FHWC
does not hold (that is
Given that the GIC holds, if the FHWC
does not hold the RIC may or
may not hold:
implies that
could be
consistent with
being greater or less than one. But recall that our
assumption is that the unemployed consumer is assumed to behave according to
the perfect foresight model with human wealth equal to zero. We must therefore
impose the RIC in order to obtain a nondegenerate solution. We therefore
impose the RIC.
For any finite horizon, human wealth is finite, and there is a positive probability that income will be zero over the remainder of the horizon. This puts a strict bound on the extent to which consumers are willing to rely for current consumption upon future income that is unbounded in expectation (as the horizon extends) but potentially bounded in practice. In effect, the precautionary motive introduces a self-imposed borrowing constraint that prevents the (arbitrarily large) amount of future income from being something the consumer is willing to borrow against.
The consequence is that the limiting model (as ) exhibits a solution
with a unique finite target
so long as (12) holds, even if human wealth is
infinite; in this case the
locus is downward sloping (because
; see (30)) while the
locus is upward sloping (as
guaranteed by (12)). Thus, a target
will exist.
Figure 1 presents the phase diagram.
The locus, given in (30), indicates, for a given level of
, how much
would be exactly the right amount to leave
unchanged. Call
this the ‘permanently sustainable consumption locus,’ or for short ‘sustainable
For any given
, consuming an amount less than the ‘sustainable’ level will
cause wealth to rise (and conversely for points above
). This provides
the logic for the horizontal arrows of motion in the diagram: Above the
sustainable consumption locus they point left, and below they point
The intuition for the locus (which comes from (28)) is a bit subtler.
Take a point on the
locus, and consider how things would
change if
were a bit higher at the same
. Recall that the growth
rate of consumption consistent with the Euler equation (11) depends on
the amount by which consumption will fall if the bad state is realized,
. But
so at the same
but a
will be larger. If
were to remain unchanged,
then with the larger
the ratio
would be
The consequences of this are easiest to see in the logarithmic case
whose consumption growth equation is derived in (18), which tells us
that , which directly implies that the lower
will yield a lower
. That is, for any point to the right of the
locus, the growth rate of consumption will be lower than at the
corresonding point on the locus. Since on the locus, growth was zero,
this means that to the right of the locus,
is declining (hence the
down arrow in the phase diagram). Reciprocally, for any point to the
left of
, the Euler equation implies that consumption will
The next figure shows the optimal consumption function for an
employed consumer (dropping the
superscript to reduce clutter). This is
actually just the stable arm in the phase diagram. (Think about why).
Also plotted are the 45 degree line along which
as well as the
| (33) |
| (34) |
is the level of (normalized) human wealth. is the solution to a perfect
foresight problem in which income grows by the factor
; it is depicted in order to
introduce a final fact: As wealth approaches infinity, the solution to the problem
with uncertain labor income approaches arbitrarily close to the perfect foresight
Note that is concave.19
That is, the marginal propensity to consume
is higher at
low levels of
. This is because of the increase in the intensity of the
precautionary motive as resources
decline; the consequences of becoming
unemployed with little wealth are very painful. The MPC is high at low levels of
because at low levels of
the relaxation in the intensity of the
precautionary motive with each extra bit of
is quite large (Kimball (1990)).
This diminution in the precautionary motive translates into an increase in
consumption; for
-poor consumers even a modest increase in
can give a
substantial boost to
This point is clearest as approaches zero. Note that the consumption
function always remains below the 45 degree line. This is because if the
consumer were to spend all his resources in period
, then if he
became unemployed next period he would have
which would induce
, yielding negative infinite
utility. Thus the consumer will never spend all of his resources - he will
always leave at least a little bit for next period in case of disaster
The next figure (‘the growth diagram’) illustrates some of the same points in a
different way. It depicts the growth rate of consumption as a function of .
, the GIC
for this model implies:
| (35) |
a condition that can be visually verified for our benchmark calibration in figure
3. Now multiply both sides of (11) by , obtaining
| (36) |
where the last line uses the same (dubious) approximations used to obtain (17).21
Thus consumption growth is equal to what it would be in the absence of
uncertainty, plus a precautionary term. Furthermore, the precautionary contribution
will become arbitrarily large as because
approaches zero as
. Sure enough, figure 3 shows that as
gets low,
expected consumption growth gets very large.
Next, note that the point where the consumption growth locus meets
the income growth line is labelled . This is because the place where
consumption growth is equal to income growth is at the target value of
We are finally in position to get an intuitive understanding of how the model works, and why there is a target wealth ratio. On the one hand, consumers are growth-impatient. This prevents their wealth-to-income ratio from heading off to infinity. On the other hand, consumers have a precautionary motive that intensifies more and more as the level of wealth gets lower and lower. At some point the precautionary motive gets strong enough to counterbalance impatience. The point where impatience matches prudence defines the target wealth-to-income ratio.
Now consider the results of increasing the interest rate to , depicted in
figure 4. Obviously the perfect foresight consumption growth locus will shift up,
, inducing a corresponding increase in the expected consumption
growth locus. But we have not changed the expected growth rate of income. It is
clear from the figure, therefore, that the new target level of cash-on-hand
will be greater than the original target. That is, an increase in the interest rate
increases the target level of wealth, as would be expected on intuitive
The next exercise is an increase in the risk of unemployment The
principal effect we are interested in is the upward shift in the expected
consumption growth locus to
. If the household starts at the original
target level of resources
, the size of the upward shift at that point is
captured by the arrow orginating at
In the absence of other consequences of the rise in , the effect on the target
level of
would be unambiguously positive. However, recall our adjustment to
the growth rate conditional upon employment, (9); this induces the shift in the
income growth locus to
which has an offsetting effect on the target
Under our benchmark parameter values, the target value of
is higher
than before the increase in risk even after accounting for the effect of
, but in principle it is possible for the
effect to dominate
the direct effect. Note, however, that even if the target value of
lower, it is possible that the saving rate will be higher; this is possible
because the faster rate of
makes a given saving rate translate into a
lower ratio of wealth to income. In any case, the most useful calibrations
of the model are those for which an increase in uncertainty results in
either an increase in the saving rate or an increase in the target ratio
of resources to permanent income. This is partly because our intent
is to use the model to illustate the general features of precautionary
behavior, including the qualitative effects of an increase in the magnitude of
transitory shocks, which unambiguously increase both target
and saving
Figures 3 and 4 show that, so long as consumers are impatient, the steady state growth rate of consumption will be equal to the steady-state growth rate of income,
| (37) |
Yet the approximate Euler equation for consumption growth, (36), does not contain any term explicitly involving income growth; in the logarithmic utility case, for example, the expression is
| (38) |
How can we reconcile these two expressions for consumption growth? Only by
realizing that the size of the precautionary term is endogenous: It
depends on
. Indeed, we can solve (37) and (38) to determine that in
steady-state we must have
| (39) |
We can use this equation to understand the relationship between parameters and
steady-state levels of wealth, by noting that is a downward-sloping
function of
(see figure 3 again). This is because at low levels of current
wealth, much of the spending of employed consumers is financed by
their current income. If they lose that income, they will have no choice
but to cut consumption drastically; this is reflected in a large value of
For example, an increase in the growth rate of income implies that the RHS of
equation (39) increases. The new target level of must be lower, because
lower wealth induces greater consumption risk and a corresponding increase in
the LHS of (39). This is how the human wealth effect works in this framework:
Consumers who anticipate faster income growth will hold less market
The fact that consumption growth equals income growth in the steady-state
poses major problems for empirical attempts to estimate the Euler equation.
To see why, suppose we had a collection of countries indexed by ,
identical in all respects except that they have different interest rates
Then in the spirit of Hall (1988), one might be tempted to estimate an
| (40) |
and to interpret the coefficient estimate on as an indication of the value of
But suppose that all of these countries contained impatient consumers and
were in their steady-states where . Suppose further that all
countries had the same steady-state income growth rate and unemployment
Then the regression equation would return the estimates
| (41) |
The econometric problem here is that there is an omitted variable
from the regression specification, the term, which is (perfectly)
correlated with the included variable
. Thus, Euler equation estimation
cannot be expected to return an unbiased estimate of
. For much
more on this problem, see Carroll (2001). For empirical evidence that
the problem is important in macroeconomic practice, see Parker and
Preston (2005).
We now consider a final experiment: A decrease in the time preference rate. To
reduce clutter, we drop the locus from the phase diagram from
Figure 1, and everywhere drop
the superscripts. (In exam questions, a figure
like this might be referred to as the ‘simplified consumption phase diagram’ or
just ‘the consumption diagram’).
Figure 6 depicts the effect on the employed consumer’s spending by
showing each successive point in time as a dot. Starting at time 0
from the steady-state level of consumption, the decrease in the future
discounting rate (an increase in patience) causes an instantaneous
drop in the level of consumption. Starting from this diminished base,
consumption growth is subsequently faster than before the drop in
Eventually consumption approaches its new, higher equilibrium ratio to
permanent income at a new, higher level of equilibrium . This higher level of
consumption is financed in the long run by the higher interest income earned on
the higher level of wealth.
Note again, however, that equilibrium steady-state consumption growth is still
equal to the growth rate of income (this follows from the fact that there is a
steady-state level for the ratio of consumption to income, ). This means
that the higher level of wealth in equilibrium ends up being precisely
enough to reduce the precautionary term by an amount that exactly
offsets the fact that the
term in the Euler equation is now
The final figures depict the time paths of consumption, market wealth,
and the marginal propensity to consume following the decline
. These are implicit in the phase diagram analysis, but the dots
in these two new diagrams are spread out evenly over time to give a
sense of the time scale over which the model adjusts toward the steady
Loosely following Carroll and Jeanne (2009) (with some simplifications), this
section extends the model to analyze macroeconomic dynamics in a small open
economy with a large number of individuals, where the population statistics
reflect the fulfillment of individual consumers’ ex ante expectations; for example,
exactly proportion of households who are employed in period
become ‘unemployed’ before
, so that the aggregate labor supply of
the ‘active’ (still employed) members of a generation evolves according
| (42) |
where the first subscript denotes the date being examined and the second denotes the period of birth of the generation being examined.
We make strong assumptions that permit straightforward aggregation. The first such assumption is that newly unemployed households immediately migrate out of the country (think of British retirees moving to southern Spain).24 This means that macroeconomic variables will reflect only the circumstances of employed consumers, rather than a blend of the employed and the unemployed.
Each person is part of a single ‘generation’ of households born at the same
time, and every new generation is larger by the factor than the newborn
generation in the previous period:
| (43) |
We assume that total production by the (surviving) members of a generation
grows by the factor every period. If total production is to grow despite a
shrinking number of surviving members of the generation, production per active
capita must grow by
as per (9).
Consider the economy in some period 0 in which the size of the newborn
population and the wage rate have been normalized to . If the
economy has existed for
periods (where
is a negative number,
indicating that the economy was created before period 0), the ratio of the total
population to the population of newborns will be
| (44) |
whose limit is a finite number so long as , which we require.
Relative to the labor income of period 0’s newborn cohort (), the
total labor income in period 0 of the generation born in period
the sum of the incomes of all of the two-period-old individuals is
, and so
on; total labor income for all generations in the economy in period 0
| (45) |
which is finite so long as either population growth is positive (which we
will assume) or the economy has existed for a finite period of time (
In either case, the proportion of aggregate income accounted for by a generation
born at any specific moment declines toward zero as time passes (old generations
never die, they just fade away).
In the balanced growth equilibrium, the growth factor for aggregate
population will therefore be and output per capita will increase by
period. Total labor income therefore grows by
We now examine this model under two assumptions about the initial ‘stake’ of newborns in the economy. (We use ‘stake’ to designate a transfer received by newborns). This is explicitly not an inheritance, as we have assumed that individuals have no bequest motive and newborns are unrelated to anyone in the existing population. Our motivation is to make the model more tractable, rather than to represent an important feature of the real world; we later perform simulations designed to show that the characteristics of the model with no ‘stake’ are qualitatively and quantitatively similar to those of the more tractable model with the ‘stake’ that makes the model tractable.
We first consider a version of the model in which an exogenous redistribution program guarantees that the behavior of employed households can be understood by analyzing the actions of a “representative employed agent.”
If a benevolent source outside the economy were to provide every newborn
with an initial transfer upon birth of size , then the newborn’s total monetary
resources would be
Thus, per-capita market resources for members of the newborn generation would be exactly equal to the target level of market resources for a person anticipating the future path of labor income that the members of the newborn generation actually anticipate (which is the same as the future path anticipated by all other generations as well).
If such a transfer policy had been in place forever, the economy at every point
in time would consist of employed households whose consumption had been
equal to its steady-state value for their whole lives. That is, every individual
agent in this economy would be identical in their ratio of consumption, market
resources, etc. to permanent labor income. The behavior of any individual would
therefore be fully captured by the behavior of a representative employed
The foregoing scenario assumed that the ‘stake’ is provided by a mysterious ‘benevolent source outside the economy.’ Fortunately, there is an easy way to eliminate this problematic assumption: Assume that the stakes are financed by a wage tax.
The size of the required tax rate is calculated as follows. The total size of the resources transferred to the newborn generation must be
| (46) |
| (47) |
is the after-tax wage rate for the economy as a whole (and is the steady state
target ratio of bank balances to after-tax wages).
From (45), the ratio of total aggregate labor income to the labor income of the newborn generation is
| (48) |
so the aggregate wage tax rate required to finance a ‘stake’ of size for
newborns is given by
| (49) |
Note, however, that in an economy where this tax has existed forever, the
consequence of the tax is effectively just a permanent reduction in after-tax labor
income by proportion , compared to its value in the absence of the tax. Given
the homotheticity of the model, a permanent rescaling by a constant factor
leaves the scaled version of the individual’s problem (and its solution)
unchanged. Thus we can conclude not only that a representative agent exists in
this economy, but that the steady-state characteristics of the representative
agent’s problem are identical (in ratio form) to the characteristics of the
unrescaled individual’s problem; that is,
, and so
Matters are not much more complicated outside the balanced growth steady
state, so long as we assume that the government always transfers the amount
to newborn households, financed by the tax
derived above. Consider, for
example, an economy that was in steady-state equilibrium leading up to period
, and at the beginning of
there is a sudden realization that future growth
rates will be higher than those anticipated and experienced in the past:
. Since expected growth rates affect
, the tax rate must be
immediately and permanently changed so that the generations born after
receive a ‘stake’ of the proper new size. This change in
has two consequences
for the generations that survive from periods prior to
. Under the old
tax rate, they would have experienced
; the change in
expectations has no effect on
but changes the tax rate to
. Thus
these households will have an actual resource ratio that differs from its
new target value,
, both because the after-tax income scaling
factor has changed and because the target ratio has changed from
However, if we started out in steady-state, the ratio problem of every member of the continuing-employed population is identical to that of every other such household (though, again, their masses differ depending on age, etc); as a result, the dynamics of the economy are fully captured by keeping track of the relative weights in the economy of the (gradually diminishing) ‘representative shocked agent’ and the (gradually increasing) ‘representative new agent’ whose behavior is locked at its steady-state value.26
Figure 10 illustrates the dynamics in this economy using an experiment
identical to one explored above for the individual’s problem: In period 0 there is
a one-off decline in the future discounting rate (assuming the economy was in
steady state before period 0). In the previous model, each individual consumer’s
consumption function shifted down, and consumption experienced a discrete
jump downward, because the agent became more impatient. Here, there is a
modest further effect: With more-patient consumers, the tax rate that the
government sets to finance a transfer of to the newborns must be larger (so
that the ratio of initial assets to after-tax income is smaller). Qualitatively, the
dynamics are indistinguishable from the individual consumer’s dynamics
obtainable without working through the extra complication involved in
accounting for the ‘stakes.’
The polar alternative to assuming that newborns get a ‘stake’ is to assume that newborns enter the economy with zero assets. Analysis of this version of the model must be performed using simulation methods, because households of different ages will have different levels of assets. (With a concave and nonanalytical consumption function, analytical aggregation cannot be performed.)
Our simulation procedure assumes that at date 0 the economy has existed
forever (so that the age distribution of relative populations and productivities
are at their steady-state values), but saving has been impossible prior to period
With everyone’s , the ratio of market resources to permanent labor
income is the same for all individuals:
| (50) |
The consumption ratio in period 0 is therefore for every household (regardless
of age), while the level of total labor income for a generation that is
periods old
The population of such workers is
, so aggregate consumption will be
given by the per-capita consumption ratio, multiplied by the per-capita
level of permanent income, multiplied by the population of workers still
| (51) |
The longer a generation lives, the more time it will have had to save toward its target level of wealth; but newborns always begin life with no assets. After period 0, therefore, age-heterogeneity in assets and consumption ratios creeps into the population.
The foregoing discussion contains (in some cases implicitly) all the
assumptions necessary to conduct a simulation of this economy. Figure 11 shows
the path of the ratio starting from period 0 for an economy under our
benchmark parameterization that generated our earlier figures. The only extra
parameter required beyond those used before is
; we choose
corresponding roughly to the postwar population growth rate in the United
Using from MathFacts the second-order and then the first-order Taylor
approximations and then
, the expression in braces in (11) can be
which leads directly to (17) in the main text.
At a steady-state value of , both
hold (equations
(28) and (30)); for convenience defining
| (52) |
But since is a positive number, at
locus’s value is
while the value of the
locus is zero, the two loci can
intersect for a positive
only if the slope of the
locus is
| (53) |
which is equivalent to
| (54) |
where the LHS is (proportional to) the slope of and the RHS is
(proportional to) the slope of
For any fixed and
we can find some
for which
, and using this
it turns out to be useful to rewrite
| (55) |
Note for future use that (55) implies that whenever , the FHWC
(‘human wealth is infinite’) because
Multiplying both sides of (54) by then substituting the expression for
from (55) gives
| (56) |
Since and
(as guaranteed by the RIC), (56) is satisfied
whenever the FHWC
fails (
) and
. We now show that under
these conditions,
from (19) is:
| (57) |
but note that
| (58) |
and in the case where ,
must also be 1, implying that
(the RIC) so that
and so
and hence
. The other interesting case is when
so that
. In this case
and so
and so
is even more positive so that
is even more
. Similar logic holds for any
Thus, we can conclude that, when human wealth is infinite (that is, if
), a target
will exist.
In the case where human wealth is finite (), we need the RHS of
(56) not merely to be positive, but to exceed a specific positive number,
| (59) |
and the boundary will be the point at which this expression holds with equality.
An increase in impatience caused by an increase in the pure time preference rate
(equivalently, a reduction in
) has the effect of reducing growth-patience
(the LHS of (59)) and of increasing the RHS. This means that there will be some
time preference rate sufficiently large (some
sufficiently small) to guarantee
that the condition holds with equality. Then (59) will always be satisfied by any
| (60) |
Since we have assumed the RIC (so that ), as
, (59)
asymptotes to the GIC
for any given value of
The apparently harder case is when and
. But note that we
will have found
if we can find the corresponding
at which the first
term in
reaches 1:
| (61) |
Somewhat miraculously, at this value of , because
, (59) holds with
equality, which means that
. This means that the GIC
the definitive boundary condition: A finite target
exists so long as
We have just demonstrated that satisfying the GIC condition is necessary and
sufficient to guarantee existence of a target
. But we suggested earlier that a
weaker condition, the GIC-TBS, guarantees the existence of a well-defined
consumption function.
This can be understood as follows. Rewrite the requirement for existence of a target, (54), as
| (62) |
or taking logs we have approximately
| (63) |
The LHS captures the slope of the locus, which is
whose difference from
captures the degree of growth
The RHS captures the slope of the
locus. Recall that the inequality
captures the fact that a target
exists if these two loci intercept, which
happens if the slope of
exceeds that of
If the consumer is ‘growth patience poised’ (that is, ), then
and the slope of the
locus is identical to the
characterizes the perfect foresight consumption function. In this case (63)
| (64) |
which is the (log version of) the GIC. The condition cannot hold both as an
(our starting assumption) and an inequality
conclusion of (64)). This contradiction constitutes a proof that exactly at
a target does not exist.
As noted above, if the consumer is growth-impatient () then
and the slope of
is monotonically increased as the degree of
growth-impatience increases (so that target
is diminished).
But if the consumer is growth-patient () then
the slope of
is diminished (which reflects the fact that the
greater the degree of patience, the lower will consumption be for any given
The lower bound is defined by the point at which the degree of growth patience
becomes so strong that the slope of
reaches zero (when
reaches -1). This restricts the permissible degree of growth
patience, because
requires (rewrite (12)):
| (65) |
Expanding on a discussion in the main text, the numerator in the leftmost
expression reflects the sense in which the unemployment risk acts in a manner
similar to the effect of an extra degree of discounting (reflecting the fact that the
relevant condition applies only so long as the consumer remains in employment
– a condition whose probability is ), while the denominator
reflects the mechanical effect in which the relevant measure of growth is
boosted by the adjustment that preserves human wealth. Writing the
perfect foresight version of the growth patience factor as
(which is
just the limit as
), we can see that the expression on the LHS
is just
which is smaller than
. So, the GIC-TBS holds whenever the plain-vanilla
holds, but not vice-versa; there are parametric configurations in which
a perfect-foresight consumer with income growth rate
would not
satisfy the relevant GIC
(so, their wealth-to-income ratio would go to
infinity), but the same consumer faced the same human wealth but with
an unemployment risk
would have a finite target wealth-to-income
The easiest way to understand all of this is graphically. A notebook
Carroll (Ongoing) (see references for details) in the code archive associated
with these lecture notes shows how this works for alternative values of
To simplify the expressions in the derivations below, we define so
and we drop the
superscripts, allowing (28) to be rewritten
| (66) |
If a target value exists it will be at the point of intersection between the
and the
| (67) |
A first point about this formula is suggested by the fact that
| (68) |
which is likely to increase as approaches
Note that the limit as
is infinity, which implies that
This is precisely what would be expected from this model in which consumers
are impatient but self-constrained to have
: As the risk gets
infinitesimally small, the amount by which target
exceeds its minimum
possible value shrinks to zero.
We now show that the RIC and GIC ensure that the denominator of the
fraction in (67) is positive:
However, note that also affects
; thus, the first inequality above does
not necessarily imply that the denominator is decreasing as
moves from
Now defining
| (69) |
under certain conditions we can obtain further insight into (67) using a
judicious mix of first- and second-order Taylor expansions (along with
| (70) |
| (71) |
which is guaranteed to be positive by the GIC, but which can take any value
in the interval
. Note, however, that the approximations above
are valid only if
is ‘small’ which requires that the degree of growth
impatience be small relative to the size of the unemployment risk. Thus, the
formulae derived above (and used below) are reliable only in rather special
circumstances, in particular when the consumer is only very slightly
Under these circumstances, this approximation can be substituted into (70) to
| (72) |
and inspired by Kimball (1990) defining a term related to the excess of prudence over the logarithmic case,
| (73) |
(67) can be approximated by
| (74) |
where negative signs have been preserved in front of the and
terms as a
reminder that the GIC
and the RIC imply these terms are themselves negative
(so that
are positive). Ceteris paribus, an increase in relative
risk aversion
will increase
and thereby decrease the denominator of (74).
This suggests that greater risk aversion will result in a larger target level of
The formula also provides insight about how the human wealth effect works in
equilibrium. All else equal, the human wealth effect is captured by the
term in the denominator of (74), and it is obvious that a larger value of
result in a smaller target value for
. But it is also clear that the size of the
human wealth effect will depend on the magnitude of the patience and prudence
contributions to the denominator, and that those terms can easily dominate the
human wealth effect. This reduction in the human wealth effect is interesting
because practitioners have known at least since Summers (1981) that
the human wealth effect is implausibly large in the perfect foresight
For (74) to make sense, we need the denominator of the fraction to be a positive number; defining
| (75) |
this means that we need:
| (76) |
But since the RIC guarantees and the GIC
(which, in turn, guarantees
), this condition must
The same set of derivations imply that we can replace the denominator in (74) with the negative of the RHS of (76), yielding a more compact expression for the target level of resources,
| (77) |
This formula makes plain the fact that an increase in either form of impatience, by increasing the denominator of the fraction in (77), will reduce the target level of assets.
We are now in position to discuss (74), understanding that the impatience conditions guarantee that its denominator is a positive number.
Two specializations of the formula are particularly useful. The first is the case
where (logarithmic utility). In this case
| (78) |
and the approximation becomes
| (79) |
which neatly captures the effect of an increase in human wealth (via either
increased or reduced
), the effect of increased impatience
, or
the effect of a reduction in unemployment risk
in reducing target
The other useful case to consider is where but
. In this case, we
| (80) |
so that
| (81) |
where the additional term involving in this equation captures the fact that an increase
in the prudence term
shrinks the denominator and thereby boosts the target level
of wealth.37
To solve the model by the method of reverse
we need as a function of
. Starting with (11):
| (82) |
Inverting (29), the reverse shooting equation for is
| (83) |
The reverse shooting approximation will be more accurate if we use it to
obtain estimates of the marginal propensity to consume as well. These are
obtained by differentiating the consumption Euler equation with respect to
| (84) |
so that defining, e.g., we have
At the target level of we have
so that
| (85) |
yielding from (85) a quadratic equation in :
| (86) |
which has one solution for in the interval
, which is the MPC at target
The limiting MPC as consumption approaches zero, will also
be useful; this is obtained by noting that utility in the employed state
next year becomes asymptotically irrelevant as
approaches zero, so
so that from (85) we have
| (87) |
which implicitly defines . An explicit solution is not available, but after
parameter values have been defined a numerical rootfinder can calculate a
solution almost instantly.
Finally, it will be useful to have an estimate of the curvature (second
derivative) of the consumption function. This can be obtained by a procedure
analogous to the one used to obtain the MPC: differentiate the differentiated
Euler equation (84) again. Noting that we can obtain:
so that
which can be further simplified at the target because
so that
| (88) |
Another differentiation of (88) similarly allows the construction of a formula for the value
of at the target
; in principle, any number of derivatives can be constructed in
this manner.40
Reverse shooting requires us to solve separately for an approximation to the
consumption function above the steady state and another approximation below
the steady state. Using the approximate steady-state and
above, we begin by picking a very small number for
and then creating
a Taylor approximation to the consumption function near the steady
and then iterate the reverse-shooting equations until we reach some period in
escapes some pre-specified interval
(where the natural
value for
is 1 because this is the
that would be owned by a consumer
who had saved nothing in the prior period and therefore is below any feasible
value of
that could be realized by an optimizing consumer). This generates
a sequence of points all of which are on the consumption function. A
parallel procedure (substituting
in (89) and where appropriate
in the corresponding equation for
generates the sequence of points
for the approximation below the steady state. Taken together with the
already-derived characterization of the function at the target level of
wealth, these points constitute the basis for a piecewise second-order
interpolating approximation to the consumption function on the interval
As a preliminary, note that since , value for an unemployed
consumer is
| (89) |
where the RIC guarantees that the denominator in the fraction is a positive number.
From this we can see that value for the normalized problem is similarly:
| (90) |
Turning to the problem of the employed consumer, we have
| (91) |
and at the target level of market resources this will be unchanging for a consumer who remains employed so that
| (92) |
Given these facts, our recursion for generating a sequence of points on the consumption function can be used at the same time to generate corresponding points on the value function from
| (93) |
with the first iteration point generated by numerical integration from
| (94) |
With the above results in hand, the model is solved and the various
functions constructed as follows. Define as a vector
of points that characterizes a particular situation that an optimizing
employed household might be in at any given point in time. Using the
backwards-shooting functions derived above, for any point
we can construct
the sequence of points that must have led up to it:
so on. And using the approximations near the steady state like (89),
we can construct a vector-valued function
that generates, e.g.,
Now define an operator as follows:
applied to some starting point
uses the backwards dynamic equations defined above to produce a
vector of points
consistent with the model until the
that is produced goes outside of the pre-defined bounds for solving the
We can merge the points below the steady state with the steady state with the
points above the steady state to produce .
These points can then be used to generate appropriate interpolating
approximations to the consumption function and other desired functions.
Designate, e.g., the vector of points on the consumption function generated in
this manner by , so that
| (95) |
where is the number of points that have been generated by the merger of the
backward shooting points described above.
The object (95) is not an arbitrary example; it reflects a set of values that uniquely define a fourth order piecewise polynomial spline such that at every point in the set the polynomial matches the level and first derivative included in the list. Standard numerical mathematics software can produce the interpolating function with this input; for example, the syntax in Mathematica is simply
| (96) |
which creates a function that is a
interpolating polynomial connecting
these points.
The reverse shooting algorithm terminates at some finite maximum point ,
but for completeness it is useful to have an approximation to the consumption
function that is reasonably well behaved for any
no matter how
Since we know that the consumption function in the presence of uncertainty asymptotes to the perfect foresight function, we adopt the following approach. Defining the level of precautionary saving as42
| (97) |
we know (see the discussion below in appendix section G) that
| (98) |
Defining , a convenient functional form to postulate for the
propensity to precautionary-save is
| (99) |
with derivatives
| (100) |
Evaluated at (for which
and its derivatives will have numerical
values assigned by the reverse-shooting solution method described
above), this is a system of four equations in four unknowns and, though
nonlinear, can be easily solved for values of the
that match the level and first three derivatives of the “true”
The text asserts that if the consumption function for a finite-horizon
employed consumer approaches the
function that is optimal for a
perfect-foresight consumer with the same horizon,
| (101) |
This proposition can be proven by careful analysis of the consumption Euler
equation, noting that as approaches infinity the proportion of consumption
will be financed out of (uncertain) labor income approaches zero, and that
the magnitude of the precautionary effect is proportional to the square
of the proportion of such consumption financed out of uncertain labor
A footnote also claims that for employed consumers, approaches a
different, but still well-defined, limit even if
, so long as the impatience
condition holds.
It turns out that the limit in question is the one defined by the solution to a perfect foresight problem with liquidity constraints. A semi-analytical solution does exist in this case, but it requires formidable notation and analysis to present and understand, so the details are not presented here. A continuous-time treatement can be found in Park (2006).
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